ScreeningAn abbreviated assessment that is administered to identify whether or not a child would benefit from therapeutic intervention.
The speech or occupational therapist observes relevant skills and abilities. Caregivers receive feedback on the child's overall level of function and an evaluation may be recommended.
EvaluationA comprehensive assessment of a child’s skills that is used to develop a profile of strengths and weaknesses and set goals for therapy.
$200 - $300
Yearly re-evaluations are conducted to provide developmental comparisons and gauge progress over time. Caregivers receive an evaluation report, which includes standard scores, detailed analysis and the plan of care.
TreatmentOngoing play-based therapy to address a wide range of motor, communication, and learning disorders.
$70 per 30 minutes
Sessions typically take place over 30 or 60 minutes and are tailored to suit the needs of each child. Parent education is provided at the end of each session on goals addressed, strategies used, and opportunities for home carryover.
ConsultationIn-depth discussion to empower family members, teachers, and healthcare professionals to help children achieve optimal outcomes.
$70 per 30 minutes
We advocate for our clients through support in parent-teacher conferences, multidisciplinary outreach, as well as academic and extracurricular service coordination.